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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tired of feeling ugly.

This disease affects the way you look in such a devastating way.  I've lost hair in all the places I don't want to..my head and growing it in places that no woman wants.  My face is round and fat.  All my weight is all around the middle.  I look like Humpty-Dumpty basically.  I feel so unattractive in every way you can imagine.  I am not a vein person and have never considered myself 'hot' or 'beautiful' but I was who I was.  Now, I don't even recognize myself when I look in the mirror.  If you look at pictures of me over the past 3-4 years, I look like someone else.  I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a few years the other day and it took her a second to realize who I was.  It was odd and sad and well...uugghh.
The only thing that keeps me going is knowing most of this seems to reverse during the healing process.  Most patient stories I've read are very encouraging and they all say you start to 'see' yourself in the mirror again and not to lose hope.  I've seen lots of 'after Cushing's' pictures and they give me a lot of hope!  I mean, I am not wanting to look 20 again but just to see 'me' in the reflection would be nice.

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