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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Official Diagnosis

Well, I was officially diagnosed yesterday at my appt.  My 24 hour urine test showed it all.  Normal results are cortisol levels of 50 and below..mine was 298.  Crazy but I already knew.  The list of symptoms was just way too convincing....I am a textbook case they say.
So, now we have to find where the little booger of a tumor is hiding out.  I am off to vacation this week and then when I come back, I am scheduled for an MRI followed by a CT scan the following week.  It is so bitter-sweet.  Excited to be moving forward towards recovery but scared at the unknowns that come with surgery, etc. But..I have faith..God has brought me this far and I know he never promised an easy road but he did promise he'd never leave me.


  1. Lisa, I am praying for you. I will pray that God guides the machines and the Doctors so they can help you. Just know He is with you every step of the way. Love you:)

  2. Thinking of you during this week's testing! *Hugs*
