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Thursday, February 11, 2010

I hate the name Cushings...

Okay, so I know it is named after the doctor and not the fact that the disease makes you look 'cushy' but everytime I hear it or say it, that is exactly what comes to my mind.  "Look, there is a fat girl, she has Cushings and she IS cushy..."  Okay, okay so no one has actually ever said that to me...lol.  Anyways, the name still sucks to me.
On the medical front, I turned in my 24 hour urine sample this morning.  That was absolutely the grossest thing I've ever had to do.  Pee into a cup, transfer to a container that you must keep on ice.  The acid in the jug has the worst odor ever and then add a little pee to the mix..NICE.  I was sitting there yesterday and sort of giggling at the fact that I had a cooler of pee in my bathroom floor..I mean, really??  LOL.  The things we humans must go through to get a diagnosis.  Anyways, I go on the 26th for my results..seems like an eternity.

1 comment:

  1. I know, I just went to round 3 of tests today, and some of the things we do... seriously...

    All worth it in the end! In the trenches with you, sweetie!
