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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A little nervous

My follow-up to my first appt is this Friday.  I will get the results of all my labs.  I am not nervous to go to the doctor or anything but nervous about the results.  I worry about things like them messing up the labs and having to start all over again.  The waiting is the hardest part, I just want to get on the road to healing.  Praying that the tests all turn out just as they should.

1 comment:

  1. Praying right along with you. God has it under control, so that we don't have to! You've been obedient, you've fought valiantly for them to listen to you -- I have a feeling you won't be disappointed. The results will be a culmination of your hard work and efforts to be heard.

    My appointment is tomorrow morning, I'm leaving it in His hands to help them leave no stone unturned.

    We're both in the palm of His mighty hand, sis!
