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Saturday, October 2, 2010

5 months post-op...

My surgery to cure my Cushing's was 5 mths ago.  I am still fat and round and still get tired quickly.  I guess I was hoping that by now I would see some major improvements even though I was told it can take years to feel and look 'normal' again.  I am still on dexamethasone..without it, I feel like death.  At some point, I will have to try and 'wean' again but the thought scares me to death because of how sick I was when I was taken off the first time.  Okay...so, it's not all bad.  My hair is thickening back up and growing and I don't hurt nearly as much as I did.  I guess I am just so sick & tired of not being well so I am whining today.  I so long to be well and be able to spend an entire day out and about without paying for it the next day.  Everyone tells me I look so much better in terms of the color in my face, etc and that along with the other small improvements tell me I am on my way to healing but I sure wish I could speed it up.

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