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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Still alive =)

Doing okay..million times better than I was.  Of course, I am still on steroid replacement, which is a blessing and a curse all at the same time.  Weight loss of course is very difficult on steroids, which sucks because I was starting to lose and then well, here we go again.  But, without the steroid, I cannot function and sadly, I cannot live without it because it would eventually lead to adrenal failure.  They are optimistic that my pit gland will kick back in eventually but as to when is anyone's guess.  Steroids can do all sorts of damage to joints, etc in addition to the other crap so it isn't ideal to stay on them for an extended period but in my position, there isn't another choice.  Cushing's is determined to 'stick it to you' even when it's gone!! 
But, in good news, I can function these days.  My energy level is better although I still get tired fairly easily.  The really sad part is it has been so incredibly long since I have felt 'good' or 'normal' that I don't even remeber what it is like.  I wonder when that day comes if I will know it-lol.  In comparison to the average gal my age, I still feel pretty bad and I know that but in comparison to how I have felt, I am doing pretty good.  Baby steps for sure but they are steps!  I am doing my best to keep my faith in my healer, Jesus Christ--I know He is there and I just have to keep holding on to His hand and keeping on...One day..all will be well.  I feel that deep down.

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